Back in the 1990’s when working in Technical Support for Adobe I volunteered to write the Question and Answer section for PageMaker in Adobe magazine. Gen X oldsters may recall that Adobe acquired Aldus around November of 1994, which corresponds with Aldus Magazine transitioning into Adobe Magazine. My first few columns were about PageMaker, which I supported at the time. Shortly after the acquisition I was tapped on the shoulder to both support Acrobat on the phones and write about the Acrobat, which was version 1.0 at the time, in the magazine. I recall Adobe going all-in on Acrobat to create a standard file format for distributing documents of all types, similarly to how they created a high-end printing standard using the PostScript printing computer language.
Each column I wrote will be posted on this blog very soon, along with a scan of each in PDF format, natch. Even if the writing topics are far outdated, my hope is they serve as writing samples. They also are mini time capsules of technology at the dawn of wide use of the internet. This is pre-Amazon and pre-Google, and some of the advertising is striking the same way the advertising in old Life magazine in my grandparents’ basement was for me as a youngster.